ALM Enterprise
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Over time the software development processes have become increasingly complex due to the large increases of standard platforms and applications. Problems that were once limited to a single platform are now duplicated on all platforms used for the application development process. Moreover, the relations between the components deployed on different platforms increase exponentially the complexity of the park management application. The ALM Enterprise proposed by SoftBase is based on a robust methodology which aims to provide a unified process of software change, which must be applied to all platforms and all standard applications. It is clear how critical the design of the ALM process, which must first set a unique method of work but the other must be adequately flexible to meet all the needs of different platforms and different application standards, present and future.
The solution SoftBase has developed and refined over the years consists of a modular architecture, in which the client  want to exploit the potential of each technology.
ALM products specific to each platform oversee the application changes and maintain their role as "safe" software. The interconnection between different technologies ALM is guaranteed by a level of communication and automation across the different platforms. Finally, there is a higher level where the different products for different specific ALM platforms will be reduced to a common factor through the combining entities whose unique workflow needs to be standardized in a manner consistent with the Unified Process to modify the software.
This makes it possible to construct ALM Enterprise Architectures that include different technological platforms (typically mainframe and departmental) as well as ALM products within the same technological platform (Departmental is most often the case).